
Posts Tagged ‘news’

Continuing with the recent post on my blog, I want to explore who I believe would be the best 3 actresses to play the character of Anastasia Steele.  I should say that I have been getting a lot of views on the Fifty Shades of Grey topics so this is a good indication that I am not the only one out there that is really excited for this movie to come out.

I have though long and hard about the choices that I have included.  There is something about all these actresses that embody the character and that I think could do a really good job.  I just hope that these actresses are open (i.e. nudity) because this is a role that cannot be PG – that would just not work and I don’t think people will tune in.  This is also a role that can make a career or break it.

So, here are my Best 3…Actresses to Play Anastasia Steele (from Fifty Shades of Grey):

1.  Alexis Bledel

2.  Allison Williams

3. Amanda Seyfried

My first choice is Alexis Bledel because she has the look, the eyes and that ability to bring out the innocence of the character.  I think that she is a good enough actress that she would be able to deliver a great performance and really make the character come alive.  She would be amazing.  Even though she is thirty  – I think that she could easily portray a 21 year old  (my only worry is whether she would agree to any nudity – if it was a requirement – that is also a worry with all the actresses that I picked – although I think that if they had done the research on the character, they would agree).

My second choice might be different for some.  Allison Williams is the daughter of NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams.  She currently is on HBO’s Girls.  I don’t know much about her yet she fits the look that I see for Anastasia.  She is relatively new at acting and this would be a career making role.  I just don’t know if she would take it specifically because of who her father is (hopefully that wouldn’t be an issue…but I don’t know her and I don’t know her family).  I like the idea of a new actress taking the role.

As for my last choice, I think Amanda Seyfried (with her hair dyed brown) could really pull off this character.  She is a great actress and I know if she was cast, she would do an amazing job.

All I can say is, I feel really bad for the people casting the movie…this is going to be such as hard choice.


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There is a time in all our lives when we look at what are job is and wish we were doing something else.  At least that is how I have been feeling lately.  When I was young I always wanted to be a marine biologist.  It sounded so cool.  Until I got older and realized you needed maths and sciences.  I am not a math and sciences girl.  So that meant, time for a change.  Next I thought I would go into journalism.  Travel the world, report on all the news worthy items and make a name for myself as a great journalist.  Then I realized that type of career takes a long time (and to be honest, I think my parents were worried cause how would I ever be able to pay off my student loans).  So, I chose to study something I enjoyed…history.  However, unless you are going to get your doctorate, there really is no future in history.  At this time, I just took a job because frankly bills needed to be paid.  I started in administration but quickly realized that I needed to get out.  Eventually I found myself as a financial coordinator managing budgets in the millions.  From History to Finance…life is crazy sometimes.Yet the other day, I was having one of my ‘thinking’ moments and I thought about all the jobs that I wished I had.

So, here are the Best 3…Jobs I Wish I Had:

1.  Doctor

2.  Archaeologist

3.  Sports Agent

I know it seems funny to have doctor there but for me this was never a possibility – science and math.  Plus I have developed a huge respect for doctors who don’t just become doctors for the money but who are actually provided a service to people and countries that don’t have the type of health care systems/care that we have in the Western world.  Organizations like Doctors Without Borders are good examples of doctors using their skills to help those that are really in need.  If I was a doctor, I would be the type who would travel around to countries and offer whatever help I could.  I could really be doing good in the world.  That is the main reason why I have made it my first pick.

Since I like history, being an archaeologist is just a given.  Plus Indiana Jones made it look so fun.  I know in reality it isn’t quite the same as in the movies but it would be great to spend your life devoted to finding things from the past.  To uncover items or people who give you an insight into how life worked.  Imagine unearthing the  Terra Cotta Warriors or discovering another egyptian tomb.  Those are amazing discoveries but so are the small discoveries like pottery or utensils.  They all tell a story.  Such a great job!

Terracotta Army Pit 1 - in Xi'an, China

As for my final pick, a would want to be a sports agent.  It just sounds exciting to negotiate and sign sports superstars – plus I hear the money is not bad at all!  Plus I would love to get to all the games to support your player…that would be awesome.


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Since I am one those people that have unfortunately spent a great deal of her life in front of a tv…commercials have become something that I have come to enjoy and hate at the same time. There are certain commercials that stay in my mind and that is usually because they are funny and there are those that are just annoying and are played way too much (those are usually the companies that have a great deal of money that they can throw on advertising time).  Commercials have become so integrated into tv (and now movie – which I was surprised when commercials started playing there) that we have companies willing to spend millions on only 30 seconds of air time during the Super Bowl.  Yes, I understand they can reach more people but even after I see the ad, it doesn’t make me want to go out and buy a car…so I don’t understand their methodology but hey I am not the one being paid the ‘big bucks’ to create and focus group these ads to everyday, average folks.

Getting ready to write this post, I thought back through the years on all the commercials that I have seen and liked and wanted to share them with all of you.  I hope you enjoy.

So, here are the Best 3….Commercials of All Time:

1.  The Force – Volkswagen Commercial (this one is so funny)

2.  Terry Tate – Reebok

3. The Man Your Man Could Smell LikeOld Spice

I have to say The Force – Volkswagen commercial is one of those commercials that just makes me laugh everytime I see it.  It is so cute and so funny.

As for the other picks, the Terry Tate one is great.  I would love to have him visit my office.  He is hilarious and I know there are a few people you would like to see this happen too in your own offices…

The Old Spice ad was just clever and I did appreciate that (finally) a good looking man with hardly any clothing on was featured in an ad (all those beer commercials are just annoying).


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First let me start by saying that I first heard about this book (and then the trilogy) from a blog that my co-worker had read.  She had come across it by accident but the blogger had been so persuasive about reading Fifty Shades of Grey, that she ordered the book that night.  She is the co-worker that always tells me what I should be reading next…so when she mentioned this book and its genre/subject – erotic fiction, it made me kind of interested.  To be honest, I live in a sheltered world.  I am not that naive to realize this form of fiction is out there but I had never heard of an erotic fiction book about BDSM becoming a best seller (there could be others out there but I really don’t know about them).

For those that do not know what BDSM is, here is the definition/description:

BDSM is an erotic preference and a form of personal relationship involving the consensual use of restraint, intense sensory stimulation, and fantasy power role play. The acronym BDSM combines bondage and discipline (B&D or B/D), dominance and submission (D&S or D/s), and sadism and masochism (S&M or S/M).

(this information was taken from Wikipedia so I cannot guarantee the accuracy – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BDSM)

Before reading, I did a quick search to see what other were saying about the book and ran across a lot of positives responses, articles who dubbed it “mommy porn,” and negative feedback from those that do not believe that a woman should be submission and domineered by a man.  Taking all that into consideration, I bought the book and read it.  That is how we come to today’s post.

So, here are the Best 3…Reasons to Read ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ by E.L. James:

1.  The main characters – Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele

2.  The email ‘banter’

3.  The romance/love /sex

Since I exposed myself to some of the critics out there on the internet, I was expecting Christian Grey to be crazy scary and super domineering.  That really wasn’t how he was portrayed.  Since you are only scratching the surface in this book, there is a lot more to Christian and the reason why he is how he is and why he enjoys what he enjoys.  Then you have Anastasia, who is a timid person, inexperienced and doesn’t have a huge amount of self-esteem.  Yet, together, their interactions (outside of the sex) and their emails makes them the perfect couple.  This books makes you want to take the next steps in their ‘relationship’ with them and to see how it will all end (since there is 2 other books).

Let me just say, I was not expecting to laugh in this book but the email ‘banter’ back and forth with Ana and Christian was just hilarious.  Seriously funny and just so unexpected in this type of book.  I am not going to spoil it, so if you have not read the book…go out and get it and read it and then you will understand what I am talking about.

The last reason is definitely the romance, the love that is starting (maybe on one side) and the sex – which there is a lot of.  The romance and love piece is there is the background but it is the sex that dominates.  I will not spoil it (because honestly people should be reading the book) but the sex scenes are graphic, interesting and opens your mind to what is out there.


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